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Blog Post 7

In Chapter 9 in the Bedford Book of Genres it explains the importance of revising one’s work and why it’s necessary. In one of the beginning paragraphs, it describes a person’s first draft as their way of getting out all their thoughts onto paper (or screen if it’s done on a computer).This reminded me of one of our first writing exercises when Mat gave us three questions and there was only a limited amount of time for us to write down all the thoughts that came rushing to our minds. When I read over what I had written, I was able to see the first things that came into my mind and how I would be able to transform those “shitty first drafts” into something that had meaning and would be understood by others. Again, I experienced the same thing when I wrote the first draft for Project 1, literally wrote the first things that had came to mind. As time progressed I was able to fine tune my work and have it read more clearly. The chapter also talks about the importance of having your writing peer reviewed. Whenever you review your own work it will make sense to you right off the bat because only you know what you were trying to get across; but when you have your work looked over by others you’re able to get different opinions that will help better your writings. That relates to what we did in class today, where we created our peer groups and had each person read what we have so far for Project 1. I was able to hear from someone else’s perspective and get their insight on what I should add or take out.

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