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Blog Post 4

The chapter that stuck out most to me was Chapter 11, which focuses on a person’s identity and now it affects the work that they produce. The chapter explained how a writer’s work is heavily influenced by their identity and what makes them the person that they are or at least trying to be. For one a person’s heritage plays a major role in their identity because it’s one of the first things that will shape them as they grow. I know personally that being a daughter of Jamaican ] played a big role in my upbringing and the life that I lived growing up; from the food I grew up eating to the music that I was constantly surrounded by and so many other factors. The chapter also described possessions as a way to identify oneself, a person’s must treasured possessions help to mold them into the person they grow up to be. My most prized possessions, though I don’t actually view them as such, as my three dogs, who all happen to be rescue dogs as well. Dogs happen to be my favorite animals and I have been surrounded by them by entire life and with that I’ve developed a deep love the animal. As I got older I started to learn more about rescue dogs and the trauma that they endure and for most cases some aren’t lucky enough to be adopted into a loving home, and with that I hope to someday open up my own rescue shelter when I’m able to take in as many dogs as possible as well as find them a loving home that they deserve. One of the last points that the chapter mentioned in terms of defining one’s own identity was forms of advertising. It stated that one go through multiple magazines and collect pictures that then define what the person believe to the “American identity” and then create a collage. I think this is an interesting activity because everyone might come up with a different version what they believe to be the “American Identity.”

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