Project 2 Reflection
After my meeting with Mat, I was able to have a better idea of my project and what route I would be taking. At the beginning, I was a little confused because through my research I found out there is so much more to rescue shelters, and I was having trouble tying it all together. It was especially hard trying to make everything flow because I was having difficulty getting an interview with a rescue shelter. Luckily, the assistant director from the Tallahassee Animal Shelter was willing to talk to me on the phone and she gave me a lot of information that I will be able to use in my project. Along with research that I’ve found online, I will be able to write about an actual community that I hope to be a part of in the near future. He also suggested that I either use the local shelter’s Facebook page, or a shelter ‘s, based in California, Instagram page as my text. I think either would be a good example of how shelters reach out on a broader spectrum, so that they are able to bring awareness to the issues that they work to combat.